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In order to get your website on the World Wide Web you need to register a domain name and find yourself a hosting company that fits your needs. Prices vary depending on what services you are looking for.
Step 1) Register your domain name. A domain name gives your website an official address on the World Wide Web.
Step 2) Finding a hosting company. Hosting companies let you rent space on a server so that it can serve your website to the Internet when people click a link or search for it in the address bar. I have included some links to some hosting and domain name sites on the side.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) communicates how HTML elements should be displayed. It creates styles for your website pages, including styles for the designs and the web pages layout. It can be a real time saver! They are saved as external .css files. There are three different ways to insert a CSS. You can use an external style sheet. By changing just a single file, you can change the entire layout of a whole website! There are three different ways to insert a CSS. With an external file sheet, each page has to include a reference to the external style sheet file inside the <link> element. An internal style sheet is used if just a single web page has a different layout/design and they are defined with the <style> element. Lastly there are inline style sheets and they are used if just one element is different. Add the style attribute to any relevant element to use the inline style sheet. I have included two links to CSS tutorials for some more information.

When designing a website you need to consider the six phases. The first phase is information gathering. You need to gather information about your company and goals and what the purpose of your website is. The second phase is planning. This phase is where you decide how to layout your site. The third phase is designing. Determine the look and feel of your site as well as your target audience, what would they like? The fourth phase is development which is the phase in which the website is created. The fifth phase is testing and delivery. Here is where you test out the functionality and navigability of your site. The last phase is maintenance, where you will keep up your website. There are also four principles of design., alignment- every element is visually connected, contrast- unique elements stand out, proximity-visual unity in design and repetition-breeds cohesiveness. 

My opinions on emerging technologies is that they are neat. Virtual environments and augmented reality can change the way we shop and do things. Virtual reality is a cool concept for video games. It will be interesting to see how all this technology develops. 

My favorite website development tool was I found it easy to use and it gave you the ability to be really creative or it helped you out with some really good templates. The only downside was sometimes it was slow or wouldnt load and some features you need to pay for, like getting your own domain. I really disliked WordPress. I found it to be not user friendly. It was very hard to understand how to create a site and it didnt allow you to be creative. The only positive thing was that i think it would be great to use if you wanted a blog but not for a business site. Joomal is a CMS site. The pros of this site are that its free, easy to install and easy to use. The downsides are that plugins and modules arent free. It can be heavy to load and run as well.

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